KWR Press Releases - 2002



October 16 KISC Organizes Korean Infrastructure Projects & Investment Seminar in New York City on November 4, 2002
October 4 KWR Sponsors Coudert Brothers Live Teleconference on "New Forms of Business Enterprise in China: New Entities, or Just New Names?" Tues. October 8, 2002 - 9 am EST

September 17
Asia Society Co-hosts Corporate Governance Seminar on September 25,

July 29 Japanese Economy Offers Investors a Source of Global Diversity
July 10 Leading Experts Address "Reform, Restructuring, and Results
in Japan" in New York City Seminar to be held on July 16, 2002


June 25 Japanese and U.S. Governments Organize Third Annual Seminar on "Reform, Restructuring, and Results in Japan" in New York City on July 16, 2002
June 19 Turtlesnap Organizes "Convergence of Nanotech and Biotech" Investment Symposium in New York City on June 27, 2002


May 16 KWR International Provides Media Support to Big Apple Institutional Investing Summit in New York on May 30-31, 2002
May 6 JETRO Co-organizes Seminar on "Trade Geometries with China: The WTO and Beyond" in Washington, D.C. on May 16, 2002


April 30 Asia Society's "Investing in China's Capital Markets: Where Will
WTO-Sparked Reforms Lead?" Conference
April 17

Asia Society's "Returning to Sustained Growth in Asia"
Conference to be held in New York City on April 22-23, 2002


March 19 JSCI: Over 200 Participants Attend First Japan Small Company Investment Conference in New York
March 15 JETRO Organizes Private Equity in Japan Conference in NYC on March 20, 2002
March 8 Coudert Brothers Hosts Live Teleconference on "Current
Developments in Trade and Investment in the People's Republic of China"
at 9:30 AM (EST) on March 19, 2002"
March 5 JETRO Chairman & CEO Hatakeyama to Speak on China-Japan Relationship at Japan Society on March 12, 2002


February 25 JSCI: NTT DoCoMo USA President & CEO Nobuharu Ono and Author/Journalist Richard Katz to Speak at Japan Small Company Investment Conference on March 12th in NYC
February 16 JETRO: President Bush Travels to Japan to Discuss Security and Economic Issues
February 11 JSCI: Japan Small Company Investment Conference to be Held in New York City on March 12, 2002



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